Update on Life Issues -
Summer 1993
25th anniversary of the 1967
Abortion Act
1993 marks the 25th anniversary of the implementation of
the Abortion Act. On 27 October 1967, the Abortion
Act finally passed through the British Parliament, and it
was duly given the Royal Assent. Then six months
later, on 27 April 1968, it came into force and the
killing started in England and Wales. Whatever the
high-minded intentions of its proposers, the Act has
allowed virtual abortion-on-demand and some 4,000,000
abortions have now taken place under its auspices – some
shameful silver anniversary!
When is a Child Not a Person?
A most extraordinary case has been before the courts in
Scotland. It goes back to 1976 when David Watson was
born, but died three days later as a result of injuries
caused by the forceps used during his birth. At the
end of last year Lord Prosser judged that under the
Damages (Scotland) Act 1976, no compensation was due to
David’s parents because ’the child was neither actually,
nor deemed to be, a person at the time when the injury was
sustained. He was of course a person at the time of
his death. “Personal injuries” meant injuries to a
person. The child had quite simply lacked the status
of being a person when the injuries were sustained.’
We often have to argue that an unborn child of 10-weeks,
or even 20-weeks, is a person, but we never thought anyone
seriously doubted that a child could be regarded as less
than a person during his actual birth. Now
thankfully common sense had prevailed; the Court of Appeal
in Scotland has allowed the Watsons to sue for damages –
apparently David was both a child and a person after all.
Civil Disobedience and Abortion
Within the last few months some American anti-abortionists
have come to Britain hoping to stop abortions by acts of
civil disobedience. What should be our response in
the light of key passages such as Romans 13:1-7 and 1
Peter 2:13-17? Just what is our relationship to
government and law? Firstly, God has commanded us to
obey the State. Secondly, God has not set up
authority/law in the State that is autonomous from
Himself. Both civil government and its law stand
under the law/judgement of God. Thirdly, the State
is the agent of justice, to restrain evil and the
evil-doer. Are we to obey the State no matter
what? No! (Matthew 22:21). The bottom line is
that at a certain point, there is a Christian duty to
disobey the State as the early Christians did when the
State insisted that they worship Caesar. Civil
government and its laws are to be resisted, but only when
it either commands something forbidden by God, like
idol-worship, or it forbids something commanded by God,
like praying or instructing our children.
Thus the Bible commands law-breaking when the State
requires us to sin. But the State has NOT
required/commanded us to kill the unborn. Do we then
have a mandate to act against say, abortion clinic
staff? No, our duty is not to compel others to do
what is morally right. Can we break into and disrupt
an abortion clinic? No. The violation of a
proper law (trespass) as a means of protesting against a
rotten law (allowing abortion) is unworthy of Christian
behaviour. It is the logic of terrorism. We
may picket, debate, leaflet, counsel, write and
protest. But does not the mass killing of the unborn
of our land demand exceptional tactics? Cannot we
simply beak in and rescue those being led away to
slaughter, based on Proverbs 24:10-12? No.
This passage outlines an awesome responsibility, not a
Euthanasia, the Law and True
Tony Bland, the brain-damaged Hillsborough victim died on
Wednesday 3 March. At the beginning of February 1993
the Law Lords had ruled that he could be lawfully denied
further feeding and ‘allowed’ to die. Situations
such as Tony Bland’s are undoubtedly difficult and complex
– that is why they call for extra clear thinking on our
part which must then be followed by our compassionate
action. LIFE responded to this awful judgement by
writing to the Airedale General Hospital, where Tony Bland
was a patient, offering to look after him for the rest of
his natural life – the offer was refused.
The following observations about Tony Bland should be
noted. He was NOT dying. His condition was
apparently fairly stable and he was not suffering physical
pain. He was not on a life-support machine, nor was
he sustained artificially by high-tech apparatus.
All he needed was food and fluids. For the Law Lords
to decide that feeding was ‘medical treatment’ is
lamentable. What was proposed for Tony Bland was
death by starvation and dehydration, which is a horrible,
slow way to die. It seems odd that the law should
say that it is permissible to starve an Englishman to
death while at the same time we are desperately trying to
feed the starving people of Somalia and elsewhere.
This case is a momentous one for our society; this recent
decision will be a major victory for the increasingly
aggressive euthanasia lobby. And it is further
evidence that the euthanasia issue is going to be decided
largely by the courts ruling on such exceptional cases,
rather than by rational public debate.
Gene Screening, Gene Therapy and
the Clothier Committee
The recent discovery of the gene that causes the most
common inherited form of mental illness, Fragile X, has
again highlighted the problems of large-scale screening
for ‘faulty’ genes. Should Fragile X be added to the
ever-growing number of tests offered to pregnant
women? Some people think that ‘forewarned is
forearmed’, but others are aware of the heartaches that
such knowledge can bring. As one mother, whose two
sons both have Fragile X, has said, ‘Having the test would
probably mean I would not have had a family at all.
But I have two beautiful boys who are very loving.
If I had not had them, my life would be infinitely less
rich than it is now.’
As the worldwide Human Genome Project aims to map every
one of our 100,000 genes in the near future, these types
of decisions will become more common for all of us, and
certainly for our children. For example, the gene
for Huntington’s Disease was recently isolated. Now
the way is open for the development of a test that
children of an HD parent can find out if they will suffer
from an as yet incurable disease, or they can hope that
they are among the 50% of children who will not inherit
the disease from their parent.
As with all testing for genetic diseases, accuracy is not
100%; a positive result gives no idea of the disease’s
future severity; tests done in early pregnancy carry a
small risk of miscarriage; and knowing that you may have,
or be predisposed to, a disease that will develop 30 year
on (like HD) can create anxiety for the sufferer, their
family and problems for future employers.
Most testing is done even though therapies are not
available. The British government has recently
embraced gene therapy as recommended by the Clothier
committee report, published more than a year ago.
Already Britain’s first gene therapy trial has been
approved and started for a child with SCID, severe
combined immune deficiency. This type of therapy,
somatic cell gene therapy, is considered by a broad
consensus to be acceptable, but germ cell therapy, which
is passed on to subsequent generations, is not – indeed
the Clothier committee said that such ‘germline’ therapy
should not yet (!) be contemplated and the government has
accepted this recommendation too. The (!) is mine.
Sex Selection –
Choices and Clinics
The reality of choosing to have either a baby boy or a
girl has come one step nearer with the opening of
Britain’s first sex selection clinic in a terraced house
in Hendon. For £650 the London Gender Clinic will
sort sperm – those carrying the Y-chromosomes for boys
swim faster than the female X-chromosomes – and then use
the enriched numbers of X or Y sperm for artificial
insemination. A success rate of 80% (compared with
50% for the natural method) is claimed. The
operators took the moral high ground by announcing that
only married couples, who already had one child, could use
the service, and they must give an undertaking not to
abort if a child of the wrong sex is conceived.
So what is wrong with a procedure that does not threaten
any existing human life? Some are worried that those
communities which prize sons will use this type of service
to unbalance the population. In the Indian
sub-continent 7% more boys already exist because of girl
infanticide and selective abortion. In addition,
wrong-sex abortions are typically anti-female; not only
are the aborted children invariably girls, but the mothers
are of course women, and the abortionists are mostly
men. When are women in general, and pro-abortion
feminists in particular, going to wake up to these facts?
But reasons for sex selection need not always be
frivolous. For a family with a history of genetic
disease, like haemophilia which is transmitted only to
males, sex selection may seem like an appropriate
alternative to the present scheme of testing and abortion.
The availability of sex selection again present us with an
old familiar problem, a well-worn path of ethical
dilemmas. For when a technology exists which can
provide a service for which there is a clear demand, what
can be done? Any attempt to ban it is probably
futile. At best, it can be regulated by law.
But sadly, that law is the law of the land, not the Law of
the Book.